The belief in the evil eye originated in Sumer, Babylon and ancient Egypt. In these cultures, a blue bead resembling an eye in color and shape was used to ward off the striking power of bad thoughts, which are released through the eyes. In ancient Egypt, the Eye of Osirus or the Eye of Horus were accepted as the most famous symbols to protect against the evil eye. Among Turks, the belief in the evil eye stretches back to shamanism practices in Central Asia.Today in Turkey various things are used to protect against misfortune: horseshoes, garlic, eggshells, dried thorns, children's slippers, rag dolls, agate, tortoise shells, seashells, coral, black cumin, pebbles, date pits and of course blue charms...
From a folk belief to a handicraft
Small beads designed in the shape of an open hand or an eye are sewn onto children's clothing while adults place them on their key rings, wallets and belts. Larger beads are used for decoration. Today, to meet the rising demand, charms are made from plastic, ceramics or dried clay. But genuine blue charms made from glass are still produced in some villages in Anatolia, particularly in the Aegean region.
Where are genuine blue charms made?
In the Izmir area, five kilometers from the Menderes Airport, is the village of Görece, one of the places where very fine blue beads are made according to traditional methods. Making evil eye bead is a difficult business; even so the master craftsmen enjoy their work and produce four to five thousand beads per day fired at temperatures between 600-800 degrees. Traditionally, seads are made out of glass and colored with natural dyes obtained from cobalt, opal and zinc and fired in woodburning kilns.
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